Advank helps clients to better understand how the attitudes of consumption and the characteristics of each market segment helps to facilitate the inclusion of innovations in the market, specific niches or international markets.
Innovation is wrongly confused with other concepts such as patents, R & D processes, research, invention etc. An innovation can only be considered as such when it is inserted successfully in the marketplace.
How to identify and seize new market opportunities?
Innovation can be considered as a strategic tool that allows to tailor the solutions and the company’s products targeted for new target markets, adapting them to the behavior and consumer segments in particular, through the transformation of information and knowledge.
The integration in the analysis of the innovation process behavior and consumer behavior results in structural adjustment processes of products, services or new business models to specific niches or markets where the company does not have presence
How to introduce my new products or services in the international market?
Globalisation and market conditions have led most of the companies to focus on export and internationalization. However, usually the consumer culture and market regulations impose adjustments in the product or business model in order to be received successfully.
Innovation can be considered as a strategic tool that allows to tailor the solutions and the company’s products, depending on the culture of each market .
How to anticipate the behavior and market trends?
Since the innovation process is only considered complete when new products, services or business models are successfully placed in the market, it is fundamental to understand the behavior of consumers as part of the introduction of innovations in the market process.
Advank identifies consumer trends to help clients to understand and anticipate consumer behavior of its clients.
How to implement better processes to create more innovative products?
Companies considered more innovative are recognized by a strong focus on the design of their products. The positive results of this commitment both in terms of differentiation and close relationship with their clients have contributed to this statement.
Proper integration of design management in innovation processes is a key element to bring to market interesting products for customers and appropriate to their attitudes and consumer expectations.
In Advank we count as a strong experience in this area, allowing us to help our customers to strengthen and develop these capabilities.
How to commercialize innovation, technology or applied research results?
Technology plays a comprehensive role in the market. There are few sectors that have not incorporated the technology into their processes or products.
Many companies are betting on the introduction of technology as the basis for product and process innovation.
Several public and private entities invest in the development of science and applied technology but however the process of commercialization and technology transfer in practice is very difficult to implement.
In Advank we help these entities to implement models that allow better management of transfer and commercialization of technology.